Sound Healing and Flower Essences in the Garden
A Time in the Garden to Relax, commune with the flowers and learn about their healing energy (Flower Essences)
An opportunity to increase your voltage and release what no longer serves you through Biofield Tuning (Sound Healing).
Join Us as we all Connect with our True Essence.
Join us at the farm for an afternoon of learning about Flower Essences and Sound Healing.
Elisa has been studying and working with Flower Essences for 22 years.
She has been able to incorporate now her knowledge in Flower Essences and Biofield Tuning (a powerful sound healing modality) and has been merging both of them to create her "True Essence Tuning" practice.
We will begin our gathering with a flower meditation and a group sound healing session to ground us into the space physically and spiritually as well as increase our voltage and release the blocks standing in the way of being our True Selves.
Then, we will be giving you an introduction to the major flower essences that help us with being authentic, accessing our true self, setting loving boundaries that allow us to choose ourselves first to be able to truly shine our unique light in this world.
During our time together, we will learn also about how incredibly healing flower essences are, especially when paired with sound healing.
We will be offering our group true Essence Tuning
on Friday evenings from 5:30 to 7:30PM
June 7th
July 19th
August 9th